Sunday 12 August 2012

Yellow and Grey Colour Scheme

I took on the challenge of incorporating my two least favourite colours; yellow and grey - which is also my least favourite colour combination, into a scheme I could handle.

I used this photo for inspiration; the two-tone yellow was aesthetically pleasing, it also incorporated a neutral tone, and a piece of dark furniture, something I found pleasing. It took away the harshness of a space which could look very clinical with the white planes.  I took this as a method to tone down the vibrant yellow, as well as livening a space

 I first tried a split complementary scheme; purple complementing the blue, complementing the yellow. I also incorporated a dark grey wallpaper, which is not a solid grey to ground the vibrant colours.  This makes the yellow a feature, making the space pop.

My final scheme is a dark purple couch and wall planes, light blue chair and a light yellow rug. I found this reversed the colours of my inspirational picture, using dark colours to frame a colour. The yellow in this space enhances the space, leaving it feel less harsh and dark.

Sara Förg

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