Sunday 12 August 2012

Stainless Steel Bench tops

Stainless steel is a material used in many different environments, from surgical theaters to domestic and commercial kitchens. The popularity of the material is due to it's durability, sterility and aesthetics.

It is formed from the combination of steel and chromium, creating an alloy which instead of rusting, reacts with oxygen to form a transparent layer of chromium oxide, protecting the metal from chemicals and further corrosion. In this way, the material is self healing, and requires no other sealant. When the surface is scratched, the oxidizing process will naturally occur in the presence of oxygen, resealing the metal surface. A video of the production process can be viewed here.

The impenetrable nature of the metal makes it ideal in strictly hygienic environments, such as hospital, and in the preparation of food, as it has a uniform, non-porous surface which will not harbor bacteria and can be easily sterilized.

When processed as thin sheets, stainless steel is easy to cut, weld and is malleable to form curves and bends. This allows companies such as Mercer from Christchurch NZ, to create custom benches and equipment for factory, medical and domestic use. Benches especially, can be measured, cut and quickly bent relatively quickly, demonstrated well in a video from American company Tigpro.

Stainless steel bench tops are typically installed on either cabinetry units with a wooden frame, or welded onto it's own free standing stainless steel frame. New Zealand has many competitive companies, such as CNS which have a variety of textures, patterns as colours available. Colour can be added to stainless steel in it's molten form, therefore within the material and will not wear off or fade. The most popular finish for Kitchen benches and appliances is a brushed silver and highly reflective.
 Coloured stainless steel as a facade on the Westfield Doncaster, Melborne Australia

Though a very tough material, stainless steel should be maintain and cleaned correctly to retain its quality. The use of corrosive or scrubbing chemicals can damage the surface texture and could corrode the metal before it can reseal. The use of steel wool is particularly to be avoided, as particles can lodge in the metal and cause iron oxide(rust) staining to occur.

Other equipment used on the surface can also cause scratching. With brushed stainless steel, light scratches can be removed by sanding in the direction of the grain and there are informative tutorials available.

For the maintenance of stainless steel surfaces, CNS has these recommendations on their website:

"Dirt and grease accumulate over time from many sources. This can be easily removed by routinely cleaning with warm, soapy water, followed by rinsing with warm, clean water, and finish by wiping dry with a clean, absorbent cloth. One your stainless benches, never use abrasive cleaners, as nearly all of these will scratch the bright polished stainless steel surface.
........ For textured surfaces, a nylon bristled brush will remove any dirt and grime which may accumulate in the valleys of the textured finish. If marks such as fingerprints are a problem, a light surface coating of baby oil, clear silicone wax polish or furniture polish such as Neopol will help prevent reoccurrence of this on your stainless benches."

Though stainless steel is itself resistant to high temperatures, putting hot objects such as pots onto a stainless steel surface can ruin the integrity of the adhesive below, depending on the mounting system. Most commercial benches will be purpose built to withstand hot cooking utensils, but this should be checked with the manufacturer and the warranty. Another consideration to be aware of is the variety of different grades and alloys of stainless steel that exist, some being more durable and more suited to particular environments and uses.

On top of its long durability, one of the greatest advantages of stainless steel is that the material is 100% recyclable. Requiring no finishes or additions, the metal alloy can be melted and reused infinitely, minimizing landfill waste.

Stainless steel can be expensive, with most standard bench sizes costing $1000+ however they typically have a very long life and can be sold for reuse or recycling.

By Charlotte McKirdy


  1. Hi! This is the very first time I see your blog and LOVE it soooo much! You have a great, great, great, great blog!Thanks for sharing with us.More information regarding same information please follow this link: Stainless Steel Bench

  2. I have been thinking of re-decorating my kitchen. I am a chef and I want to have a bigger place to cook meals and experiment with new recipes. Would you happen to know where I could find stainless steel bench tops near Melbourne?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wow, these photos are amazing. I had no idea how great stainless steel bench tops would look in a kitchen. I thought they were just for work spaces.

  5. I really like the look of stainless steel bench tops! It is a very durable material plus it is weatherproof! I am thinking about getting some in my backyard!
    Holly James |

  6. I appreciate you sharing this info! I've been looking for some insights on finding quality stainless steel bench tops, and this gave me what I was looking for. I'm grateful we have things like this that help people like me find what they are looking for.

  7. Stainless Steel Bench top look great and also shine, and its strong and long lasting and i am using in my restaurant. its good for me, and i brought here -
