Sunday 12 August 2012

Corrugated Cardboard

Corrugated cardboard is a cellulosic fibre made from recycled materials. Other materials that are often put into the mix are sawdust and bark pulp. Cardboard is a cheap and easily sourced product, it is traditionally used for packaging but now is being sourced for construction purposes.
Other uses are also in furniture manufacture, there are particular lacquers that you can apply to the card to prevent scratches or marks.

Frank O. Gehry’s corrugated cardboard, Wiggle Side Chair.

It is often used to construct temporary structures as it is quick and easy to use and can be used as a form of insulation as it is good for retaining heat. In Christchurch the Anglican Church is looking at building a $4.1 million building from cardboard as temporary structure while they are design the plan for their new church.

One of the limitations of using card, if it gets wet it will get lose all rigidity and become soggy. Cardboard is a very absorbent material and can soak up moisture or toxins in the atmosphere. Another restriction is if it gets too hot it can potentially burst into flames, it is flammable and will spread extremely fast. There are ways to treat the cardboard to make it weatherproof and fire-resistant, including SafeCoat® Latex which is a sustainable coating so that when the cardboard is finished being used it can still be recycled.

Corrugated cardboard is a great absorber of sounds and has high acoustic values. It has been used here as a sculptural sound box, a space to listen to music. The properties of the card make it an excellent atmosphere to enjoy the music.

When choosing the right kind of card for construction you need to take into consideration that there are many different thicknesses and sizes of corrugated cardboard. Cardboard comes in many different forms, it can be flat packed or in rolls. To keep cardboard protected on a building site it needs to be wrapped in plastic to keep it from absorbing moisture and off the ground to keep clean.

Cardboard is really only a temporary option unless it is treated to be weatherproof and fire resistant. It can be easily cut or marked and if bent wrong, it can lose its strength. It cannot be cleaned with liquid products, the only way would be to brush any dirt marks off. The most effective method would be to replace the damaged or dirty area.

Cardboard can be installed in many different ways, you can use the traditional construction methods, such as nails or screws, though less conventionally cardboard can also be joint using adhesives like glue or sticking tape.

A shop interior in Athens

By Alice Perry

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